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Terms & Policy

Privacy: Visual Apps, visualapps.cloud (collectively “we”) respect your privacy. We believe that establishment of trust and privacy is essential for the growth of World Wide Web. Whether you are one of customer or an individual visiting our website, we are committed to protecting your privacy. In order to inform you of our policies and activities with respect to information collected through our websites, including related blogs, web-based and mobile software applications and services (collectively, our “Applications”), as well as through email messages that we send to you (collectively, including the Websites and the Applications, our “Services”).we are providing you with an electronic copy of this Privacy Policy (the “Policy”).This also includes information that we collect In e-mail, text and other electronic messages between you and us or when you interact with our advertising and applications on third-party websites and services.

In this Policy, “Personal Data” means information relating to an individual and which identifies the individual, either directly or indirectly that is reasonably likely to come into our possession), such as your name, telephone number or email addresses. Submitting your information on our website constitutes acceptance of this privacy Policy. Please read this policy carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding the collection of information about you, Your continued use of our Services after we make changes is deemed to be acceptance of those changes, so please check the policy periodically for updates.

Collected Information:

In general, you can access our website on the internet without revealing any information about yourself. However Web servers may collect the domain names of visitors. This information is collected for analytics to improve user experience. Your accessing our site signifies your unconditional consent to allow the collection of your domain names. We collect information from two resources:

  1. Information that visitors or users provide us
  2. Information that is collected automatically when users visit our website
    • When required we may ask personal information that identifies you like user name, email address, billing address, personal identifiers, etc. By providing this information you authorize us to contact you as and when required and felt necessary by us. By visiting the registration page, users can see the information that is collected during the registration time and users are required to provide these information to avail products and services of QB Solutions. We may use this information to contact you through various channels of communication for renewals/ registrations/feedback/seminars etc. Usually, the above mentioned information is used only by us to respond to your inquiry, process an order or allow you to access specific account information. Sometimes, we may share part of the information with third part service providers to increase our efficiency and for analytical purpose.
    • We may ask for system hardware and software related information to assist the customer and our expert technicians may access your system remotely over the internet to diagnose the issue and fix it.

Information that is collected automatically:

  • There is certain information that we collect automatically, including IP address, profile information, user data, browser type, hardware/software attributes, etc. By accessing and using our website and services means you are giving us approval to use and store your personal information to offer users with uppermost services.
  • We use Cookies and web beacons: A cookie is a piece of data or a message that is given to your browser by a Web server whenever you visit a website which uses cookies in order to store your information related to your web browsing habits on your hard drive. We may use Personal Data collected from our cookies to identify user behaviour and to serve content and offers based on your profile. Users may choose to disable cookies by activating the setting on their particular browser. Also note, if you choose to disable cookies, some functions/access may not be available to users.
  • Interaction records: We reserve the rights to monitor all conversation and interactions between the users and our staff for quality control and training purposes. These can also be referenced to address user grievances and disputes.

Children under the Age of 15

None of our services or content on the website is intended for children under 13 years of age. We do not knowingly sell products/services or collect Personal Information from children under 13. If you are under 13, do not use or provide any information on these Services or on or through any of its features, do not make any purchases through our Services or provide any information about yourself to us, including your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address or any screen name or user name you may use.

Non-refundable Policy

As we are dealing & selling digital products, therefore it strictly resticts refund once we have successfully delivered you the software package.

Data Security

We strive to use reasonable organizational, technical and administrative measures to protect Personal Information within our organization. Unfortunately, no data transmission or storage system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. If you have reason to believe that your interaction with us is no longer secure, please immediately notify us of the problem by contacting us from the “Contact us” section of the website.

Notification of Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We reserves the right to update this privacy Policy at any time without notice to you Any changes to this Privacy Policy will become effective when we post the revised Privacy Policy on the Services. Your use of the Services following these changes means that you accept the revised Privacy Policy.

You recognize and understand that there is no compulsion on you to provide us with your personal information and any personal information provided by you to us is with your full consent. You also understand that we are under no obligation to verify the source from which the personal information about you is provided to us, and they are deemed to be provided by you, unless you demonstrate to us within a period of fifteen days from the date of providing of such information to us, to our satisfaction, that the information was provided to us without your free consent.

Other information that we may collect from users include credit card details and other payment modes. This data we collect to process payment for our certain services.